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Beneath the surface is a deep dark place where one cannot see. Your emotions are there, but they are hidden so well, that it often feels like you are residing in the very pit of hell. You are broken, you are wounded, and as you hide behind that mask, you are fighting for your soul. The only God I know is our heavenly Father who will rescue you and won’t let you go. But you have to be willing to receive help for your distressed soul. Who are they? And, what do they do? They are doctors, teachers, nurses, and preachers, they are your next-door neighbor that’s willing to be set free. They consist of every ethnicity, and they look like you and me.


Beneath the Surface: Life Under the Mask consists of 15 authors who lived beneath the surface for a period of time. But thank God for Jesus who had mercy on their souls.

Beneath the Surface


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